Server Information Character Ship
XP rates: Level: Level:
Drop rates: HP: Defence:
This table allow to change info that database shows.
Server Information allow to change amount of exp/drop. Usable when you use HB or server have high rates.
Character - Your character stats. By using them database will calculate how strong monsters will hit you by skills.
Ship - calculate damage for ship from sea-type monsters.
Search: Language: Russian English
World Maps: Argent Magical Ocean Deep Blue
Zoom mode:

NPC Morpheus - Freya
Navy HQ - Colonel Maxi
Tourist - Bey
# - Name Amount Level HP Respawn Area
1 Метеорит 1 1 1000 1H 598/1540
2 Волк 37 41 2462 1min. 40sec. 300/1285 - 845/1803
3 Железная мумия 39 53 5499 1min. 46sec. 499/1490 - 613/1625
4 Игла дурмана 37 42 5000 1min. 40sec. 300/1285 - 845/1803
5 Кровожадный охотник 33 60 3500 2min. 410/1532 - 481/1610
6 Непобедимый Вервольф-воин 39 53 3384 1min. 46sec. 499/1398 - 613/1480
7 Неупокоенный воин 44 52 2000 1min. 44sec. 493/1640 - 530/1803
8 Стальная мумия 39 54 5538 1min. 48sec. 400/1380 - 480/1500
9 Туземец 37 43 2844 1min. 40sec. 300/1285 - 845/1803
10 Энт 37 48 2800 1min. 40sec. 300/1285 - 845/1803
SQL Time - 0.002 | Page Time - 0.005